Youth Funding Opportunities
The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) gives post secondary students paid work related experience related to their field of study.
What is considered a student work placement?
Amount of funding: Up to $7,500
Employer Eligibility
Career-Launcher Digital Internships
The Career-Launcher Digital Internships program are wage and training subsidies offered to employers who hire digital technology interns/grad students for up to 12 months in a full-time position.
Amount of Funding: Up to $32,000 in wage subsidies
Employer(s) must:
The co-operative education tax credit is a refundable tax credit available to employers who hire students enrolled in a co-operative education program at an Ontario university or college.
Amount of Funding:
How to Claim the Tax Credit
Eligible Employers
What is a Qualifying Work Placement
The Work Placement must meet the Following Conditions:
Eligible Expenditures
Canada Summer Jobs provides wage subsidies to employers from not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer employees, to create quality summer work experiences for people aged 15 to 30.
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
Eligible Expenditures
The Youth Employment Program is designed to provide companies with funding to hire young Canadian post-secondary graduates.
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
Eligible Activities
Mitacs Accelerate is a research internship program that connects companies with over 50 research-based universities through graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Amount of Funding
Eligible Activities
Benefits of the program
Environmental Funding Opportunities
Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is a charity committed to fostering inclusive environmental education and growing a diverse green job workforce
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
Career Focus Green Jobs is a wage subsidy program for employment opportunities that have a green mandate or any job where the employer has an environmental focus
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
The Sustainable Development Technology Fund helps achieve national environmental goals of improving water, soil and air quality, and reducing the effects of climate change. The fund supports a late stage development of pre-commercialization strategies of clean technologies.
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
General Employment Funding Opportunities
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant is a funding program that offers training grants to employers. Companies can receive non-repayable funding from the government to purchase third-party business training programs.
Amount of Funding
Who can apply?
Employers must:
Eligible Activities
Ontario training grants will cover the following costs:
Ineligible Expenses
Applicants are most successful when applying for the following three training categories:
What documentation is required?
The Ontario Exporters Fund (OEF)
The Ontario Exporters Fund is a funding program designed to help small and medium-sized businesses hire an export manager or international business development manager. This program provides grants to fund a portion of the new hire’s salary.
How to qualify? (Business eligibility criteria)
Applicants must also ensure that their upcoming new hire qualifies for program participation, which requires:
The international business development plan should include:
Eligible Expenses
I hope you enjoy reading this informational post.
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