CanExport Program

Does your business want funding for marketing expenses in foreign markets?

What is CanExport?

The CanExport Program provides financial support to small and medium-sized businesses in Canada seeking to develop new export opportunities, specifically in high growth priority markets and sectors. 

airplane - canexport

Brief Overview of the CanExport Program: 

  • CanExport funding is for marketing efforts that increase sales through business development outside Canada
  • Funding may be spent on travel expenses, trade show, conferences, translation services, marketing tools, IP protection & contracts
  • To be eligible, a company must have $100,000 to $100 million in annual revenue, and less than $20,000 or 10% in total international sales in the last two years
  • CanExport is funded by the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) and The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)

CanExport SME Program

What is the CanExport SME program?

The CanExport SME program is a funding program created to support Canadian businesses seeking to develop new export opportunities in international markets where they currently have little or no sales. 

Amount of funding: Up to 50% funding to a maximum $75,000 grant per project 

Who is eligible for CanExport SME?

The business must: 

  • Be for-profit 
  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number 
  • Be an incorporated legal entity, limited liability partnership (LLP) or cooperative in Canada 
  • Have fewer than 500 full time employees
  • Have $100,000 to $100 million in annual revenue declared in the tax reporting year

What activities are eligible?

  • Visits to foreign markets for research
  • Attendance of virtual and in person trade shows, networking functions, meetings, or conferences 
  • Translating, adapting, or creating marketing material 
  • IP & legal adaptation activities

What activities are ineligible?

  • Ongoing or operational activities not associated with market expansion 
  • Promoting Canadian investment or seeking economic immigrants 
  • Activities in a foreign country where more than 10% or $100,00 of total sales has been generated in the last 24 months 
  • Language training and other educational services 

What documentation is required?

  • Business plan 
  • Screenshot of registration fees for events or application fees for certification and patents 
  • Link to virtual event’s official website
  • Consultant quotes
  • Name of vendors 

Steps to submit a successful application

  1. Select a minimum of 5 international markets in which your company wants to secure new customers or make sales 
  2. Confirm that each market you choose meets the CanExport definition of a new, eligible target market (the market is eligible if during the last tax reporting year the company made less than $100,000 in sales or less than 10% of the company’s total sales)
  3. For each market, set realistic goals and objectives, and create a detailed plan of action  
  4. For each market, select from the 7 categories of activities to help achieve your objectives (listed above)
  5. Provide a detailed and specific budget 
  6. Create a realistic timeframe in which to conduct your activities 

For additional information on CanExport SMEs, click here. 

When can I expect a decision?

A decision shall be made within 60 business days following the submission of a completed application. 

When would I get rebated?

Generally within 6 weeks of submitting the completion report, and copies of invoices/receipts. 

CanExport Innovation Program

What is the CanExport Innovation program?

The CanExport Innovation program is designed to aid Canadian SMEs and academic institutions develop R&D collaborations through partnerships in foreign markets. 

Amount of funding: Up to 75% of funding to a maximum of $75,000 per project 

Who is eligible for CanExport Innovation?

  • Canadian academic institutions
  • Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises 
  • Canadian non-government research centres


The organizations above must:

  • Be registered in Canada 
  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number 
  • Have a prototype
  • Intend to launch the technology in 5 years 
  • Own, co-own, or have decision making rights over the intellectual property for the technology