Every year, Canada invests BILLIONS in government grants for small business ventures. To help you, we’ve created a free government grant finder tool. Startups, non-profits, and SMEs can all take advantage of this resource! Easily sort and customize your search to find the ideal program for your needs. Whether you’re starting out or scaling up, there is funding for everyone!
Try our free fund finder tool below to discover the best government programs for your project goals.
1. FILTER: Choose from a variety of filters in the drop down menus. OR, enter a key term in the search bar to fetch related results.
2. SORT: Click on the column headers to sort the results alphabetically or numerically. This is optional.
3. SEARCH: Automatically receive your customized results! Scroll through, and tap the ellipses (…) to expand their descriptions. To learn more about a program, click on its title to visit their website.
4. REPEAT: Want to start fresh and try again? Hit the “X” button beside the search bar to reset the table.
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With so many programs and services available, there’s bound to be a match for you! Small business grants cover a wide range of activities overall. This includes…
Of course, these activities span across many business sectors. Organizations in sectors like arts, biotechnology, manufacturing, and tourism are all eligible! So, take advantage of these programs and grow your business to the next level.
Still need convincing? Check out our client success stories to read about their remarkable business transformations. There, we visualize the impact of grants for small business ventures. Also, see successful tax credit claim examples and funding approval samples.
on average
per client application
in the funding industry
Tax Incentives Made Easy (TiME) Consulting Group Inc.
” 95% success. 15+ years expert SR&ED credits and gov. grants for your business innovation.”
Phone: +1(647) 709-6368
E-mail: gshah@timeconsulting.ca