Sizable tax credits and grants are offered to companies that perform digital or computer animation and special effects in Canada. These programs support the growth and advancement of post-production sectors across numerous provinces. However, each provincial program differs in requirements and returns. So, keep reading to learn more about the refunds available through your local computer animation and special effects tax credit.
The OCASE is a refundable tax credit for Ontario-based Canadian- or foreign-controlled corporations in the film & television production industry directly related to digital animation and digital visual effects. It is claimed in addition to the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (OFTTC) or the Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC).
Amount: 18% of qualified Ontario labor directly attributable to eligible animation or visual effects for an eligible production (no maximum).
To be qualified, a corporation must:
Animation or visual effects houses, post-production houses, and film and television production companies that perform eligible computer animation and special effects activities are included as qualifying corporations. Only costs incurred in Ontario are eligible.
Eligible Computer Animation and Special Effects Activities
Activities that are eligible include:
Note that activities considered scientific research and experimental development are not included.
OCASE Deadline
Businesses file tax credit claims with their annual tax returns. There are no specific deadlines, but applications must be submitted before the end of the fiscal year. Regardless, applications accepted on a rolling intake.
Application fee: Administration fee is 0.15% of eligible expenditures. Minimum application fee is $500.
Contact: (416-642-6659)
The Alberta PPG provides funding for companies that work on post-production, visual effects, and digital projects in Alberta. It aims to encourage growth in the post-production sector and Alberta talent. This grant provides a contribution that covers a percentage of labor expenses.
Amount: 18% of total eligible Alberta labor. Maximum annual funding of $200,000.
To be qualified, a corporation must:
Corporations that have received funding from the Screen-Based Production Grant or the Alberta Production Grant are ineligible for the PPG on the same projects.
Eligible Post-Production Activities
Activities that are eligible include:
PPG Deadline
Companies must submit their projects to the AMF within 60 days of completion. Applications accepted on a rolling intake until March 1 every year.
Application fee: No fee
Contact: (780-422-8584)
The British Columbia DAVE is a refundable tax credit for BC-based production companies that perform digital animation and visual effects. This tax credit applies to BC labor expenses directly related to post-production activities. It is claimed under a Film Incentive BC (FIBC) or Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC) application.
Amount: 16% of qualified BC post-production labor. No maximum.
Who can apply for the DAVE?
To be qualified, a corporation must:
DAVE Deadline
Businesses claim the tax credits with their annual tax returns. An eligibility certificate is required to apply, which must be obtained before filing the claim. It is recommended to submit a certificate application within 12 months of the fiscal year-end. Applications accepted on a rolling intake.
Application fee: Administration fee is 0.06% of final production costs. Eligibility certificate fee is $200.
Contact: (604-736-7997)
The Nova Scotia DATC is a refundable tax credit for companies that run digital animation productions. It covers related labor expenses incurred in NS during production.
Amount: 17.5% of eligible Nova Scotia animation labor.
-> Plus the lesser of:
To be qualified, a corporation must:
Eligible Animation Activities
Activities that are eligible for the animation bonus include:
DATC Deadline
Applications for: (i) initial assessment and product eligibility; and (ii) tax credit certificate must be made no later than 30 months after the end of the taxation year in which expenditures for an eligible production were made. Applications accepted on a rolling intake.
Application fee: No fee
Contact: (902-424-2808)
The QCASE is a bonus refundable tax credit for labor expenses related to computer animation and special effects. It aims to support the technological development of the film industry in Québec. Production companies claim this bonus under the QPSTC/CISP or the FTPTC.
Amount: For the Quebec Film Production Services Tax Credit (QPSTC), 16% of qualified Québec labor. Or, for the Quebec Film and Television Production Tax Credit (FTPTC), 10% of qualified Québec labor. Maximum of 5% of production costs.
To be qualified, a corporation must:
Eligible Activities
Activities that are eligible for the bonus include:
Businesses file the claim with their annual tax returns. An eligibility certificate is also required to apply, which must be obtained before filing the claim. The claim must be submitted within 12 months after the taxation year-end in which expenses were incurred. Applications accepted on a rolling intake.
Application fee: $500 eligibility certificate flat fee. Subject to minimum administrative fees.
Contact: (514-841-2200)
Tax Incentives Made Easy (TiME) Consulting Group Inc.
” 95% success. 15+ years expert SR&ED credits and gov. grants for your business innovation.”
Phone: +1(647) 709-6368
I hope you enjoy reading this informational post.
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